Religion – Knowledge – Discourse

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Religion – Knowledge – Discourse | News | International KOSMOS Workshop: Religion: Bridging Gaps and Breaking Paths

International KOSMOS Workshop:

On behalf of the RKD program and everyone involved in the organization of this workshop, we extend our deep gratitude to all participants for their interest and involvement, and especially for their contributions which made this both a successful and thought-provoking event.


Religion: Bridging Gaps and Breaking Paths

Contemporary approaches towards discourses of religion and knowledge production in transdisciplinary perspective


International KOSMOS Workshop of the Doctoral Program Religion – Knowledge – Discourse at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 2nd – 4th of February 2017


As a signifier, “religion” figures as one of most vibrant — but no less polyvalent and in many regards polarizing — buzzwords in contemporary academic discourses. Hardly any term attracts more attention and consideration from scholars across the academic spectrum. At the same time, “religion” proves to be, on many levels, a seemingly inexhaustible point of contention. Taking into account both its unquestionable timeliness as well as its sheer complexity and controversiality, “religion” calls for a collective academic effort: the challenge of approaching “religion” demands TRANS-disciplinarity!

As such, this conference is designed as an experimental space, a research laboratory for contemporary approaches towards “religion", discourses of religion and knowledge production. In the spirit of our intentionally ambiguous slogan, “bridging gaps and breaking paths”, we seek to bring together voices from various academic backgrounds for a constructive, mutually challenging and inspiring dialogue. We cordially invite senior and junior researchers with advanced research projects approaching “religion” in innovative ways, who are also open to think and interact beyond their academic disciplines, to join us in our endeavor.

This conference is a collaboration of the transdisciplinary research scheme Religion – Knowledge – Discourse (RKD) and will be held at Humboldt University of Berlin. The objective of the RKD research cluster is to encourage young scholars to critically investigate and reflect on discursive categorizations and notions of religion and knowledge by means of diverse empirical and theoretical inquiries. Since the establishment of the RKD in 2014, junior and senior researchers have brought together insights from various disciplinary backgrounds, ranging from Sociology, Economics, and Anthropology to the study of Religions, Philosophy and Theology. The RKD research group, by means of this conference, seeks to gather and share these insights with a broader audience, inviting others to join the critical exchange on the conjunction of Religion, Knowledge and Discourse.


Contributions to the workshop addressing the following topics are especially welcome:

  1. Religion, Gender and Theologies: Stagnation or change in the authority over ‘religious’ knowledge production?
  2. Religion and Economics: Interactions of two discursive spheres.
  3. The Praxis of Religion, Theologies and Knowledge Production: Overcoming the dichotomy between inside and outside perspective
  4. Religion Revisited: Positioning, Politics, Power
  5. Religion, Body, Material Culture and Aesthetics



Please submit a 250 word abstract via e-mail, indicating the theme and methodological approach of the paper you wish to present by 31st of October 2016.


For any queries do not hesitate to contact us:


For further information see the CfP's full version here:


(Deadline: 31st of October 2016)